A thread-safe profiler. Stores and manages execution count, total execution time and average time per execution of each labelled section, separated by thread.
A thread-safe profiler. Stores and manages execution count, total execution time and average time per execution of each labelled section, separated by thread.
openFrameworks addon workflow helper for window capture using fast and threaded saving per-frame-stills (.tif), and FFmpeg GPU encoding (.mp4) after using command script.
Openframeworks addon that allows you to quickly and easily plug various controllers (MIDI controller, audio, mouse, keyboard) to parameters that you can define in your code.
ofxQuad is an OpenFrameworks addon for creating meshes based on quads instead of triangles. ofxQuad also contains an implementation of the Catmull-Clark subdivision surface algorithm for subdividing a mesh into a smoother mesh.
Wrapper for managing multiple cameras (ofVideoGrabber or ofxMachineVision), and laying them out into an ofFbo for easy processing in a single go (e.g. on GPU).
Openframeworks addon for wrapping and include the openDHT (https://github.com/savoirfairelinux/opendht) library, a C++17 distributed hash table implementation
ofxTick is an addon to implement a function that runs at regular intervals. If the interval is too short for the time between frames, the function can be called multiple times in a single frame to get the number of times, delta time, etc. It has been tested with openFrameworks v0.10.1 and above.
C++ templated generic vector<T> util functions for when you don't want to use a huge linalg lib. Only very basic vector functions implemented. For more complex stuff I suggest a dedicated library (like Eigen or Armadillo)
OpenFrameworks addon to track people or objects from the depth image generated by a kinect. Optimized for tracking people from above (kinect pointing at the floor)
OpenFrameworks add-on for placing an OF view inside a UIView inspired in this proposal: https://github.com/openframeworks/openFrameworks/issues/5472#issuecomment-353471936
ofxKinectHitboxes integrates different OF addons for easily implementing virtual hitboxes universes for interactive installations in a similar way that Kinect Hitboxes DX11 do with vvvv.
openFrameworks addon, primarily for dealing with existing zip archives, but a zipping method is provided for convenience. Extract, read individual files from archive to ofBuffer.
C++ openFrameworks addon for simple and very quick to setup GUI based on Todd Vanderlin's ofxSimpleGui. It uses a very similar (almost identical) API, but with a rewritten backend.
C++ openFrameworks addon for particle/constraint based physics library with springs, attractors and collision. It uses a very similar api to the traer.physics library for processing to make getting into it as easy as possible. All classes are template based with typedefs for physics in 2D or 3D - Potentially even more dimensions! Demo at www.memo.tv/msaphysics
C++ openFrameworks addon for solving and drawing 2D fluid systems based on Navier-Stokes equations and Jos Stam's paper "Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games" http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/people/stam/reality/Research/pdf/GDC03.pdf
C++ openFrameworks addon for simple and very quick to setup GUI based on Todd Vanderlin's ofxSimpleGui. It uses a very similar (almost identical) API, but with a rewritten backend.
C++ openFrameworks addon for simple and very quick to setup GUI based on Todd Vanderlin's ofxSimpleGui. It uses a very similar (almost identical) API, but with a rewritten backend.
C++ openFrameworks addon for simple and very quick to setup GUI based on Todd Vanderlin's ofxSimpleGui. It uses a very similar (almost identical) API, but with a rewritten backend.
C++ openFrameworks addon which wraps up some poco functionality to make flash-like objects which auto updates/draws and adds mouse methods like onRollOver, onPress, OnRollout? etc with bounds checking with easy to remember functions to register/un-register callbacks.
ofsSettings offers iOS apps an easy access to standardUserDefaults from C++ without bothering with Objective-C. You can mainly use it for: 1. Save and read any value which has to persist when the app is closed. 2. Get values set by users under the Settings icon for you application.
A titling/subtitles module for adding text overlays to videos. Supports true type fonts, and has several different helper methods to ease text layouts. Does not currently support reading from file.
A titling/subtitles module for adding text overlays to videos. Supports true type fonts, and has several different helper methods to ease text layouts. Does not currently support reading from file.
ofxPlaymodes is an addon to make easy to work with video and audio buffers and headers that can point at any position in the buffer to be rendered. This allows to use different effects like composition of multiple delays.
A thread-safe profiler. Stores and manages execution count, total execution time and average time per execution of each labelled section, separated by thread.
ofxPlaymodes is an addon to make easy to work with video and audio buffers and headers that can point at any position in the buffer to be rendered. This allows to use different effects like composition of multiple