ofxCvPiCam is a minimal grabber for the Raspberry Pi Camera module. It uses the MMAL interface to grab frames and convert them the cv::Mat type which can be processed using the typical opencv calls.
ofxFPSCamera creates a camera object that behaves like the camera in a first-person shooter, controlled by either the W, A, S, D keys (or the arrow keys) and the mouse.
Gapless video playback addon for OpenFrameworks. Thread safe, used for network controlled video playback. Runs with avFoundation on OSX and gStreamer on Linux.
openFrameworks addon to use gstreamer under osx and windows. This addon has no code and instead uses the addon_config.mk file to add the needed files from the core + the flags needed to compile using gstreamer
A copy of of_v0071_vs2010_release\libs\openFrameworks\video\ofGst* under a different namespace, so Gstreamer can be used under Windows without modifying OF Core. Minor changes to allow textures to be used, and bug fixes for Windows. note:changes are untested on Linux / Mac.
Openframeworks plugin to use a kinect that is initialised and runs in a c# app. Kinect updates take much less time and leaves more cpu for cool graphics. No skeleton support yet...
C++ openFrameworks addon to calibrate, rectify and create disparity maps from two non-rectified and non-calibrated images (or image sequences). NOT TESTED WITH LATEST OPENFRAMEWORKS YET.
ofxPlaymodes is an addon to make easy to work with video and audio buffers and headers that can point at any position in the buffer to be rendered. This allows to use different effects like composition of multiple delays.
!!work in progress!! Solve intrinsics,extrinsics,distortion for a set of cameras,projectors based on image point correspondences (e.g. from ofxGraycode)